Other comments

Name Call URL City State Country Comments
Terry Dawson VK2KTJ Marrickville NSW Australia This is a test of idea submission.
Terry Dawson VK2KTJ Marrickville NSW Australia This is a test of idea submission.
Terry Dawson VK2KTJ Marrickville NSW Australia This is a test of idea submission.
Terry Dawson VK2KTJ Marrickville NSW Australia This is a test of idea submission.
Ron vk3afw Melbourne Vic Australia The Moorabbin and District Radio Club is pleased to announce details of its QRPp Challenge to be held 17th to 25th October For details go to the APC News Magazine: https://mdrc.org.au/files/newsletter/2019/july-august-265.pdf 73 Ron VK3AFW
Ed http://dxforth.mirrors.minimaltype.com/#morse VIC Australia I wrote this morse trainer (MS-DOS) and tutorial (WAV audio) in order to re-learn morse after several decades absence. DOSBOX emulator is required to use the trainer under Win10. N.B. email address shown on webpage is no longer valid.
Col VK5HCF Mt. Gambier. South Australia Australia Is there a member of this club who is proficient in cw who would be prepared to "ELMER" me by providing practise via Skype on a regular basis for a while. I pretty much know the alphabet, numerals and punctuation but still have trouble copying in my head
Jens Grigull VK4AJG Jandowae QLD Australia It would be helpful to make a library about QRP. This should include history, homebrewing, antennas and operating of QRP rigs. 73 Jens
Rob H44QX Honiara Solomon Islands Hi all, just made my first contact on KX3 from Honiara Solomon Islands. 5w USB to Widbey Island NA-065 ... I cant wait to make more contacts, this is an exciting aspect of this hobby .... Cheers.
Steve Phillips VK3JY Balwyn, Melbourne Victoria Australia Wondering if anybody is intereted in a daytime 40mx CW net? Maybe there are others like me who are QRV during the day and who do not have 80 mx antenna due to space limitations .... If interested,you can contact me at QTH-R in current VK Call Book.
Rich Arland K7SZ Dacula GA USA I just joined the club. I have the beam on VK/ZL, a glass of Radio Tuning Oil (Fosters Lager) beside the K3...BUT I DON'T HEAR ANYONE!!!!! Who needs a QSO with Georgia??
Ian Morris VK3IFM http://members.iinet.net.au/~ifm/LearningCW-1950.pdf Scoresby Vic. Australia Found this artical published by "Radio and Hobbies" in 1950. "The Australian Shortwave Handbook" The artical was on learning CW. The method of learning has not changed much over time.
Ian Morris VK3IFM SCORESBY VIC AUSTRALIA Having obtained my full call in 1990, and my CW skills have all been forgotten. Learning CW again with LCWO.net

Last updated: 2022-04-06 02:38:09 UTC
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