Provided on this page are morse code practice MP3 files, links to other sites which provide morse code lessons and various other forms of information on developing and improving your morse code skills.
If you know of other good CW sites, let the Webmaster know so we can share it with others.
There are on-air nets that run to help you learn morse code.
They are detailed on our Nets and Frequencies page.
VK2WI runs a continuous CW practice beacon on 3699 kHz. Details can be found at http://arnsw.org.au/html/dural_facs.html. The beacon transmits text sing Farnsworth spacing; and cycles continuously through 5 wpm, 8 wpm, 10 wpm, 12 wpm and 15 wpm character speeds.
Here are a few CW practice files which you may like to copy: